Thursday, June 13, 2013

Budget Friendly Summer Fun!

Jackeline Gurdian, Occupational Therapist

It’s officially summer! Your kids have been waiting for this day since last August, but if your summer entertainment budget is a little low, we can help! Keep reading for fun and affordable activities that have been kid and therapist tested and approved (and you might have some fun too!). Don’t forget you can always tweak these to fit your kid’s age and abilities. Be creative!

Go fishing!

It is really really hot outside so playing with water is a no brainer! Lately most big stores like Target, Walmart or Toys "R" Us have lots of affordable (even $1 section) water toys.
Ok so for fun fishing activity without worrying about the dangers of fishing with toddlers, first buy a plastic wading pool ($7 at Toys "R" Us), magnet letters or toys and you can find a magnet child’s fishing rod or even make one! Here is an easy tutorial to make your own game- Click here!
Some ways to change this game to challenge your child or be more interactive:

  • Have them fish out letters to spell a word or you chose the letter they fish out. This will work on not only following directions but also fine motor and visual motor skills.
  • Discuss different topics such as animals or foods and after they fish out a letter have them tell you something in that category (animal with an "A"- alligator, etc.).
  • Blind fold them and you or a sibling can help verbally guide them to fish the letter out.
  • If you have little ones you can also just let them play in the kiddie pool!
    For more water activities- you always have the classics- the pool, beach, hose, sprinklers, etc.
    Don’t forget about water safety! Even a small amount of water can be dangerous.

    Music time

    Music is always a great way to engage a child. I strongly recommend finding a fun music class for your child. Here are some ideas for incorporating fun music activities at home.
  • Musical chairs: A classic game but you need at least about 4 players and you can even change it up by using hula hoops, place the hoops in a circle and kids jump in the hoops until the music stops.
  • Start a band: Buy a musical instrument kit at a toy store or make your own. You can use branches, paper plates, blocks, seashells, spoons, dry beans or rice in an empty water bottle and wooden spoons. Just have fun and "make music" with your kids. You can start a beat and have the child imitate yours.
  • Match sounds: Place different items such as dry beans, rice, paper clips, pennies, blocks, etc. in containers. Have your child shake the container and try and guess what’s inside.
    Chalk Entertainment

    Such a simple thing can bring so much joy. Buy big sidewalk chalk and go outside and just let your kids be creative.
  • Hopscotch: The longer you make it the more challenging. Simple and fun game to get your kids active! This game also works on number recognition and counting skills.
  • Target: Draw circles or squares with different points and throw a ball and hit one of the targets. Great for eye-hand coordination.
  • Tic-tac-toe: A classic game for all ages.
  • Obstacle course: Have stations labeled on the floor and kids can perform the activity such as hopping, running in place or even acting out different animals.
  • Play with shadows: If you can see the shadows of items around you, have your child outline different things maybe the mailbox or a tree.
  • Twister: Use different color chalk and create your own game of twister. Great for listening skills and following directions.
  • Time for bubbles

    I still can’t believe how bubbles can keep any child entertained. The dollar store is the perfect place to buy big pack of bubbles to last you all summer, also look for big bubble wands, which are fun for all ages (yes, even adults!). Playing with bubbles can work on many skills; like oral motor (blowing), eye-hand coordination (popping bubbles and waving wands), language and sensory development.
    Alternative ways to enjoy bubbles:
  • Use wire hangers: Stretch the hanger into a circle (careful with sharp edges), and attach a wand to it with duct tape. Now dip the circle into the bubble solution and move the wand to create big bubbles.
  • Add bubble solution to kiddie pool and have child sit or stand in the middle, and take a hula-hoop and place in solution. Now pull the hoop upwards and the child will be in the middle of the bubble! Read more about this activity here
  • Arts and Crafts

    Go back to the basics with arts and crafts. I love using outlines of painted hands to make different drawings. You could use paper plates or construction paper. Outline the child’s hand or use paint to make imprints of the hands (finger paint is a great activity for a child with sensory defensiveness). Also try making puppets by attaching a popsicle stick. After you make the puppets you can now use them and have them create a puppet show, a great way to work on pretend play, social and language skills!
    You can find lots of ideas for arts and crafts on this website!

    Obstacle Course

    You can use different objects around the house and create stations for an obstacle course. Have several different stations, here are some examples:
    • Hopping over shoes
    • Crawling under a chair
    • Throwing balls in a basket
    • Hop in and out of hula-hoop
    • Use empty water jugs to create a slalom course and have the children use a bicycle or even walk through it.
    • Have children run water balloons from one side of backyard to the other without letting them fall!
    • And much more! Let the kids help you come up with more ideas
    • You can also visit this blog for a great obstacle idea (see picture below)

    Rainy days

    Sometimes we need some indoor fun with these unpredictable rainy days. During the summer, Regal Cinemas has $1 admission for movies. They have showings at 10am Tuesdays and Wednesdays, this can keep your kids occupied for at least 2 hours. You can find more info here!

    Some museums are also free admittance or discounts on certain days of the month. If you are a local in Miami, check out Miami Children's Museum. Fun interactive museum for kids to explore different stations like pretending to be go to supermarket, bank, construction site, fire station and more!

    Check your local areas for discounted or even free activities for kids. 

    Now that you have read these simple activities, let the summer fun begin!

    Don’t forget the classics like going to the beach, the playground or just some cuddling and watching movies at home. Always remember to challenge your children intellectually and physically, and select activities that will encourage social skills development. Most importantly, always make it fun!

    Please feel free to share your favorite summer activities or games or pictures of your children having fun this summer!

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