Saturday, February 9, 2013

Meal Time Tips for Picky Eaters

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Making Meal Time with your Picky Eater Easier

by Karina Gonzalez, MS CCC-SLP

Having a picky eater can be very stressful at times, but there some simple changes you can make that may help. Here are a couple of tips I have learned about that will make meal times easier.  

·        Focus on making meal times enjoyable andrelaxing: play games, lay out food in the shape of a happy face, have a contest. Make it fun, fun, fun!

·        Reward your child for every bite he takes, youcan praise him or high five.

·        Battles and forcing your child will only make apicky eater pickier. Keep it positive and fun!

·        Do not bribe your child, this will only make himmore aversive to food, just simply let him try the food on his own terms. Youmay need to present the new food 10 times before he will try it.

·        Offer new foods when your child is hungry andrested.

·        Give only 1 new food at a time.

·        Give the new food with favorite foods toencourage acceptance.

·        Show him you like the new food. Take a bite, andsay “delicious”.

·        Encourage your child to play with the new foodand allow him to get messy. (Have you read my post about playing with food? read it HERE.

·        Use dips or sauces. Read my post on how much fun ice cube trays can be,HERE

·        Limit the amount of liquid your child eats,often times they get full on liquids and will not be hungry enough to eat.

·        Have a feeding schedule of 3 meals, limitsnacking to 2 times per day and try to eat at the same times every day.  Having this schedule will allow your child toget hungry between meals.

·        Feed your child at the same time as the rest ofthe family. Also, at the dinner table for every meal. Avoid eating on thecouch, or in the play room.

·        Allow your child to help you cook and servefood.

·        Have “lunch dates” with your child and otherchildren. Children copy from each other!

·        Change something about his favorite foods, like:shape, color, brand, or size, so that your child does not get tired of eatingthe little bit of foods he enjoys.
  • If you have a picky infant you can try a mesh feeder, read HERE.
  • Be sure to also read my post on pacifier use and how it can affect your child's feeding, HERE. As well as when to stop the bottle, HERE.

I hope these tips can help make meal times a little easier for you, if you need individualized help pleasecontact me . And remember, having a picky eater is very common and is normalpart of childhood development.

Do you think your child's picky eating is a cause for concern?, please read HERE.
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