Saturday, February 9, 2013

Developmental Milestones

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Is your child meeting all milestones on time?
by Jackie Gurdian, MS, OTR/L
You and your pediatrician should be checking thesemilestones regularly to assure that your child is meeting their milestones ontime. Early intervention is key to success for your child’s life.   
Here are some basic milestones from birth to three years ofage that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests to look out for. Don’tforget to consult with your doctor.

Birth-3 months

·        Able to track toys

·        Reacts to sounds

·        Smiling 

·        Raises head and chest when lying on stomach

·        When placed on firm surface push down on legs

·        Grasps and shakes toy

·        Swipes at toys

·        Brings hands to mouth

      ·        Recognizes familiar people and objects

·        Able to track moving objects
4-7 months

·        Rolls both directions

·        Raking grasp

·        Transfer objects from one hand to the other

·        Sit independently

·        Enjoys social play and play with mirror images

·        Able to find partially hidden images

·        Attempts to get objects that are out of reach

8-12 months

·        Sits independently and get in positionindependently

·        Crawls

·        Pulls up to stand

·        Cruises furniture

·        Separation anxiety begins

·        Finger feeds independently

·        Imitates people and toys

12-36 months

·        Walks independently

·        Run

·        Kick a ball

·        Stand on tiptoe

·        Pulls toys when walking

·        Imitates behaviors

·        Enjoys playing with children

·        Sorts by shape and color

·        Enjoys playing imaginary play

Thanks for reading, and be sure to read my other posts for more information. Feel free to contact me with anyquestions!
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics,
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