Friday, March 1, 2013

Playing with your Newborn

10 Fun and Interactive Ways to Play with your Newborn

By Jackie Gurdian, M.S., OTR/L

It might be hard to believe but your newborn wants to play. I’m not talking playing a game of Monopoly but playing peek-a-boo is her idea of a fun night. For these games there is no need for fancy toys (the toys you registered for and found out later that your baby rather play with a box), instead you will be her favorite toy.

First, lets answer this question, why is play important?

Play is the way that newborns learn how to communicate, socialize, move and understand what is going on around them and socializing with you is the best way for baby to learn. Stimulation is very important for baby’s well-being and many studies show babies who are stimulated reach physical and cognitive milestones earlier.

Now, the fun stuff below is a list of games that my daughter loved to play as well as some ideas from other parents.

1. Read a book to your newborn: By far, this is my favorite activity and my daughter loved it. I would also encourage reading while she was on tummy time, which was a good way to distract her during her workout. Also, someone wise (The Santa that I met for Sofia’s first Christmas) once told me “Teach your kids to read because the more they learn, the more they earn”).

2. Dance with your newborn: These calm moments don’t last long, take advantage. Put on some music and dance around the house. Your baby will love the movement and will love being so close to you.
3. Sing: You don’t have to have an awesome voice because your baby doesn’t care but he will love the sound of his mama or papa’s voice so go ahead and sing.
4. Peek-a-boo: My daughter loved this game and still does, something about the element of surprise and how excited she would get to see me when I uncovered my face. You can start my lightly covering baby’s face with a blanket and slowly uncover and then take turns covering your face.
5. Facial expressions: Your baby loves you and loves watching you. While talking to your baby, make funny faces and let them see the range in facial expressions you can make and later on they will start to imitate you. Have fun making silly faces and you could also bring baby in front of mirror and do the same. It is important to realize that emotional communication in necessary to understand people around us and the earlier we start to teach this the better!
6. Make different sounds: Clap your hands, whistle, or even go outside to hear the birds chirping, baby will enjoy all these different sounds.
7. Baby talk: Talk a lot to your baby (you will start to feel a bit crazy after talking to a baby all day but it will be worth it, just make sure to talk to adults too!) Give baby time to respond and make sure you acknowledge baby’s conversations to encourage them to keep babbling.
8. Baby workout: Babies love movement, move their legs gently as if riding a bicycle (this also helps if they have any tummy issues). Tummy time is important as well, try placing a mirror under baby during tummy time. My daughter also liked tummy time when I laid on my back and elevated my knees and she laid on my knees.
9. Track a toy: Visual perceptual skills are very important at this age, allow your baby to track a toy, use finger puppets and put on a show!
10. Exploring: Allow your child to be within reach of your face and encourage baby to touch and explore your face and feel free to talk and make facial expressions too. Your baby will love discovering (or scratching) your face.
Please remember that your baby can easily become overwhelmed, learn to read baby’s signs and take a break. Stay tuned for a post about reading baby’s signs.
Please feel free to comment and let us know your newborn’s favorite game or anything that makes them smile.

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